Thursday, February 16, 2012


Anything God created is and was art
...yet He didn't stop at each state and think "Awesome! It's done!"
Something major would have stopped His creating so that He could truly feel it was finished.
And the climax...Eve.
I wonder still why God didn't keep creating.
I mean, He's GOD! Surely He has more ideas.
Did the Fall of man cause Him to pause.
What if He's created things we don't even know about yet?
What if He will create new things in Heaven?
What if we get to be part of it...creating with Him?!!!

Now God's working on the narrative for His characters.

It wasn't enough.
It wasn't enough to have an Earth with green trees and animals that are simply driven by instincts and patterns of living.
It wasn't enough to just have creatures to watch.
He already had perfect company in the Trinity. Perfect relationships.
still He wanted relationship with His living, breathing world.
For His glory.
To love.
To worship His great name.
To interact with.
To share all good things...with Him.

It is Good.

I wonder why God would think that it "wasn't good for man to be alone." After Eden God was with Adam. Still...God saw something missing.

Swirling dust
Clay shaped
Dead form

Oh, to have the power of life to breathe into sculpture!
Breath of Life breathed into him
*Gasp* ...eyes opened


"Let me show you My's My garden. Eat. Walk with Me."

Free to Live. Free to Live unashamed.
"License to be creative
...Power to name what you see"

None suitable
From Goodness....another.
The climax of HIS beauty
The completion...what was missing.

Blinking into the sunlight
He led her by the hand.

Gentle curve

A gift for him
his eyes lit up and he delighted in her!
Opened his lips...and spoke his first:

"Bone of my bones!
you are lovely
I give you a name."

For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife...
and they will become one flesh.

And so God sought me.
Leaving His high place so He could unite with me
...after waiting SO long.
And He knows me.

See!! Your Savior Comes!
Sing Holy! 

A new name I give you:
"They will be called the Holy People.
The Redeemed of the Lord
and you will be called Sought After,
the City No Longer Deserted and Forsaken" 
(Isaiah 62:12)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Claim It!

Shout it Amy
Dance...and do not be ashamed!

I have felt it coming for a long time
The trembling inside me
The shaking of my bones

He has whispered
kindly in my ear
drawing me out

This is who I am
My namesake
I claim it

I claim WHO I am and WHOSE I am



To take up my sword
and my crown
and claim my place by His side as Queen
His fierce beauty
noble, truth, joy

Chosen to marry His Son!
There's gonna be a wedding!