Saturday, April 9th:
Thus begins our Pride and Prejudice weekend adventure!!! And the best weekend of my Study Abroad...well, it made the top of the list at least. :)
Mandy and I got up early and took a train from Euston out to Chesterfield in Derbyshire county (pronounced Darbysure)...not really knowing what we were going to do from there. But it turned out fine...we got a taxi from there to Chatsworth House....cheaper than it would have been to take a bus anyway, and our driver Joe was very nice and took it upon himself to be our personal guide. lol.
My first time ever taking a taxi!
As we were driving we got more and more excited, because the small town and country roads were so pretty!
We came around the corner and saw the house! Mr. Darcy's House!!
....all boarded up. :( :( :(
The side that Lizzy first sees...when she stands up in the carriage and laughs....and also the side with the stairs that she frantically runs down after Mr. Darcy catches her staring....ALL boarded up with scaffolding. :(
Apparently they're doing some cleaning/restoration. Which is great...just not for us. lol
So that was a bummer...obviously.
There were a lot of tents set up outside as well because of some food festival. So there were a lot more people there than there would normally be.
We paid for admission to the house and walked into the room with stairs that Lizzy first sees...with the checkered floor and beautifully painted ceiling that she stares up at! plenty of pictures there.
Continuing on we happened upon the Veiled Statue that she looks at in the sculpture gallery in the movie! Except it was in a separate darkly lit room.
"Veiled Vestel Virgin" by Raffaelle Monti. It looked just as amazing as it does in the movie...that seemingly see-through marble veil!
We walked through the rest of the house as well before coming to the sculpture gallery/garden.
AHHH!!! I was there! So cool! We walked the same footsteps as Lizzy and gazed at the same sculptures. And you know me...sculptures are my favorite kind of art to look at. :) It was wonderful!
We found out later that Mr. Darcy's head sculpture (proper term: bust) was in the gift shop...but we didn't see him. :(
yes. We are perfectly aware that we are silly romantic dorks. :)
After leaving we chatted with some of the workers to find the best route to get to Stanage Edge...the cliffs Lizzy stands on looking perfectly distraught. We ended up calling our taximan Joe to come take us...since it was too far a walk...and we weren't dressed like "ramblers." :)
But we had time to walk around and see the grounds. Gardens, fountains, the maze, stones, and sculptures. It was really a very pretty place. We even discovered that the "fake" sounding bird call that you hear in the movie isn't so fake after all. We heard it. And I tracked it down. :) It's a pheasant, and a beautifully colored one at that.
We wanted to take pictures in front of the pond that Lizzy sees...but alas, that side of the house was boarded up too. So sad.
Well...we got our whippy cones (vanilla ice cream that tastes more like cool whip...and very good) and Joe met us out front. Poor guy had to wait for me to finish my ice cream before we could move on. But we had fun chatting with him. Rough and tough Joe. lol, but he was very nice and helpful...should have gotten a picture with him. He didn't seem like he had much else to do that day but tote us around. haha...whoops. I don't know if he gets much business though...small town and everything. We probably gave him a thrill. lol. He told us all about the spiral steeple on one of the churches...he insisted that it was all Chesterfield had to offer...but we objected strongly. :)
Joe didn't know what Stanage Edge was...he insisted that
Stanage had "nothing there but an outcrop of rocks." kind of what we were going for. lol. He even had us stop at some pub with a Boy Scouts leader outside reading a map and we discussed with her the best cliffs to see...and she directed us somewhere totally different. So we relented and let Joe drive us there...but it was worth it in the end and Mandy and I are convinced that it had to have been the location used in the movie.
Just driving up to it was beautiful...pasture lands and their beloved stone fences/walls scattered everywhere. We got up to the cliffs and walked out to them...
Breathtaking!!! No words!
The cliff edge ran in each direction from us....dropping to a valley and pastures below...the town far in the distance. Patches of blue peeked out from the gathered clouds...vibrant greens. The wind whipping our hair and clothes. Perfect.
We stood in awe...and I collapsed to the ground in praise. lol
"Can you die of happiness?"
We proceeded to take picture after picture...trying our best to capture the moment and recreate the image of Lizzy standing at the edge. Hands raised in wonder and awe at God's creation. And also the best jumping picture in the world. :) I got air!!
Our faces were red and windblown...but we didn't care...we could have stayed there for hours soaking in the scenery. Oh, and I'm sure passersby got a kick out of us and our picture taking. "Here comes the entertainment"
Before grudgingly going back to meet Joe, I found a rock that reminded me of Pride Rock from the Lion King. So I grabbed a shrub to use as Simba...and pretended I was Rafikki holding him in the air and Mandy took a picture of me. But it looks nothing like the Lion just looks poetic. haha!
Joe took us back to the train station...but we had some free time still. So we walked over to the spiral steepled church that Joe told us about and I got a refreshing mango icy from Costa before going back.
What a wonderful day!! We walked
Persuasion , one of the worst filmed movies I've ever seen...and the most awkward kiss EVER...before going to bed. haha! I don't know if Jane Austen would have been very proud of this filmed rendition of her novel. :)
Sunday, April 10th:
Day two of P&P adventures
Well it started off with a scare when the ticket machine went Out of Order halfway through printing our train tickets. Also...thank you to whoever was the jerk that poured soda in the ticket machine so that our tickets got all sticky. Fantastic!
We ran through the train station to the info desk to make sure we had all our tickets. But of was fine and we got on our train to Salisbury.
It was on this trainride that I realized...even though I had charged my camera batter all night so it was ready for the best day ever...I had forgotten to put the battery in my camera.
So I was camera-less for the day. First time it has happened since I've been here...and something I've tried to prevent. But of just HAD to happen to me on the most gorgeous day of my Study Abroad experience.
I was not happy! I felt like I had lost an arm or something.
Sigh...I eventually got over it though. It was kind of nice being able to fully experience something rather than be behind a lens half the time. And I was secure knowing that Mandy takes artistic photos from angles that I myself would also choose.
From Salisbury we took about a 45 minute bus ride to another train station. It was a gorgeous drive though...and makes me wish I would have had time to visit Salisbury. Beautiful medieval city and the countryside was gorgeous with cobbled houses and thatch roofs scattered everywhere!!
Then only a 10 minute train to our stop...I can't remember the name of the town at this time. Shame...I know. :)
We took another taxi. Our man's name was Stan today...and he was another rough and tough guy with a friendly Joe. Long hair and balding, Stan dropped us off at the pub nearby Chatsworth house.
Before starting our walk, we had cream tea and scones with clotted cream and jam (of course) at this pub. My least favorite scones...they were more like biscuits. lol...oh well. The service was very friendly and there were some people decorating for a wedding reception later in the day.
We found the place to get tickets and maps to the Stourhead gardens (we didn't end up needing to buy tickets after one collected them from us...arg, oh well...we just contributed to keeping the grounds beautiful I guess).
So our two mile walk through Eden began!! :)
Purple wall flowers and gorgeous tulips. We missed Tulip Time in we got our pictures next to them. haha!
Around the bend there it was!! Mr. Bingley's house at Netherfield!!! (Chatsworth house).
Okay it wasn't the actual manor house they used in the film...but it looked almost exactly like it!! We were very excited. Took our pictures going up the stairs to the Ball and looking out at the carriage leaving. The house was beautiful despite our connections with the movie! I could totally live there...and someday I will. :)
We didn't pay the entrance to go into the house...knowing we would probably be disappointed since it wasn't the actual house used. We did find an entrance to the basement though...with a children's room and dress up clothes. *wink wink* Can't resist that!! We proceeded to try things on and take silly photos wearing bonnets, aprons, and little boy coats. haha! It's gonna be the next trend. :)
After checking out the stables..."George, the horses are dead!"...we walked on the grass, off the beaten trail, around to the backside of the house. Don't know if we were supposed to do that or not...but oh well. Even the gardens and back of the house were lovely! I had a hard time walking I walked backwards. lol
We got back on the trail and saw it in the distance...our first glimpse of the Temple of Apollo!! But for us it was the scene of the first proposal in the rain!!
But we didn't actually get there for another two hours or so. haha! It's a good thing we decided to spend all day at these gardens...just the right amount of time. :)
We walked over and saw the memorial...similar to the Washington monument..and further along the trail we stopped for lunch by the lake...a view of the Pantheon across from us.
Beautiful flowers and trees in bloom...and scattered signs with appropriate quotes on them by some Pope. We sat on a tree stump and watched the baby ducks while enjoying our mystery meat ham/turkey sandwiches. lol. I believe I even got a little was very sunny and warm...but SO so lovely!!
The path brought us around the lake...through some VERY tall trees.
The ultimate garden and park!! I'm satisfied. lol. I had a goal to visit all the parks in London...but after Stourhead gardens...I kind of lost that desire. haha!
our lunch spot |
HUGE trees |
We had one of the silliest moments here. Correction...I did.
We saw a tree that had a perfect spot to sit on and take pictures...however the climb looked slippery for shoes with no grip...I decided to try climbing it anyway.
Mandy gave me a boost to I could grab the limb and pull myself up.
Well, I got my arms around the limb...but if I moved my feet and legs...I knew I would slip.
So there I was stuck, holding onto this the feet position...and I couldn't stop laughing!!
I probably could have pulled myself up...but you know how sometimes you laugh so hard that you lose all strength. Yea...that was I didn't have strength to finish the climb. Heck! I could hardly even breathe I was laughing to hard!!...couldn't speak either to ask Mandy for help.
So what did Mandy do? She started pushing my butt up...which of course made me laugh even harder!
Finally got up and I just sat there laughing for a few minutes. Mandy tried to take pictures...but what had just happened kept playing over in my head and I had intervals of giggles! The people walking by had some free entertainment for sure! One walking by had even said they wished they'd had a camera because they'd win a prize for it. LOL!!
so there I am...cracking up |
So then, after the grotto, a stone bridge picture session, a cottage, and a cute small Pantheon with plaster statues inside...we made it to the Temple of Apollo!!
I still can't quite wrap my mind around it.
We were
The same steps as Lizzy and Darcy in the movie.
One of my
favorite scenes!!
...a confession of love...a proposal. But also the culmination of two pride and prejudiced personalities clashing.
"I have struggled in vain and I can bear it no longer..."
I was
Complete and utter awe. lol...I could help but stand around staring this way and that...taking in every angle, gawking...speechless.
Sometimes you have moments like that. When you dream something but then it actually becomes reality....your response?
"...I love you...most ardently"
The film lines played in our heads.
Pictures. :) I was convinced that Lizzy was leaning against one of the pillars...but no (discovered this after we returned to London), Mandy was right, she leaned against the wall...out of breath from running across the bridge! The bridge we saw next!!
It had grass on it...odd. Silly picture running "across" nearby...since we weren't allowed to walk on it. Sad. I know.
Eeeeee!!! |
gawking in awe |
Before waiting for our man Stan to pick us up and bring us back to the train station...we hung around the adorable wedding reception outside the pub we sat in earlier like creepers...and walked around the cemetery and old church. We'd like to pretend it was the church Lizzy sat in before she ran out in the rain...but it wasn't. :) They had a cute "prayer request tree" that we wrote requests for. I now want a tree like that in our dorm room next semester. Take notes Sara. :)
So yea..
Best Weekend Ever!!!