Sunday, May 1, 2011

Little boys and Airplanes

Alright so here's the deal...I kind of have to get caught up on this blog by tomorrow. haha! So I apologize for any errors or weirdly worded phrases...things I take great care and time to correct before publishing posts.

Monday, March 28th:
After my internship I decided to grab something to eat to have a picnic in the park because the weather was so lovely and the blossoming trees for Spring looked so beautiful. So I ended up getting McDonald's (haha!) and sitting on the grass in St. James's Park...the park closest to where I live (and also probably my favorite in London).
I had been a little cranky earlier, but I find that Jesus-time amongst His beautiful creation is one of the best cures. :)
Oh, it was wonderful!
After my picnic I went for a walk around the whole pond...taking pictures.
The birds in the park were going crazy...mating season you know....they were SO loud. lol.
As I was taking pictures of some of the baby ducks I felt someone touch my arm...I looked over to see a little boy at my elbow, he had to have been only 3 years old, holding up a "weed" flower for me. He was wearing a little dinosaur beanie hat and looking at me curiously. lol
"Aww...thank you!!!" I smiled and accepted his gift....then he scampered away to join his parents, who had no idea he had just given me a flower. haha!
Cutest thing ever!
Perfect cure for my mood....and well, I guess chivalry does still exist. :)
I finished my walk...the sun setting, casting a yellow glow over the park and Buckingham Palace in the distance. Sigh.......

My "weed" flower

creeper pic of the little boy :)


Tuesday, March 29th:
Went to the philharmonic orchestra that night at Cadogan Hall!!
I got to dress up all fancy in my teal dress. :)
The concert was fabulous! They were SO good.
If I remember correctly (because this was a month ago) they played Tchaikovsky?
I loved the music...and well, stringed instruments make me swoon. :)
The man who did the violin solo for an entire song was brilliant!! Wow!
the man in the red shirt was the violin soloist...incredible

Thursday, March 31st:
After Classes I went over to Sir John Soane's Museum to finish Assignment 4 because I didn't go in it the first time. "Sir John Soane was an eccentric English architect best known for designing the Bank of England building and being a design finalist for the Houses of Parliament. He collected an amazing array of 'stuff' particularly Egyptian and Roman artifacts. His use of mirrors and angled glass contributes to a very illusionary interior." I did indeed find it to be a very eccentric wall space, or ceiling for that matter, was left empty. The Picture Room was very interesting. The walls opened up on every side to reveal more and more paintings. For such a small room, the use of space was incredible! I enjoyed walking around and looking at all the ancient sculpture as well...sculpture is probably my favorite form of art...especially when history is connected to it. :) Oldest art gallery in the world and one of the most unusual I've ever visited...for sure.

After that I went to the Imperial War Museum for another assignment

Assignment 6: Remembrance - the Imperial War Museum
"Housed in a former mental institution" this huge museum really gave me a feel for how much the war had an impact on the UK, especially the World Wars.  Since the US is so isolated, I didn't realize how much terror the States missed that the UK experienced in full. There were rooms full of military hardware on display and loads of was overwhelming. I went in a model 1940's House...domestic life during WWII, the Trench Experience...allowing me to see, hear, and even smell what a trench is like, and The Blitz Experience had me hiding in a bomb shelter and touring the damage after a bomb strike. It was very moving and I learned a lot about food shortages and how many families would seek refuge in the tube stations at night as bomb shelters....can you imagine?! What it would have been like to live in constant terror!!
Lastly I went to the Holocaust Exhibition and stayed there until the museum closed. 
There are no words. 
Pure evil... 
and stabbing heartache.
I couldn't help but cry when I watched some interviews of the stories of survivors.
In fact...I got so absorbed in this part of the museum, that when the screen suddenly shut off I didn't realize that it was time for the museum to close. Neither did the guy sitting nearby...who happened to be from California and we had a little chat. lol.

food rationing...the older British folks still have a hard time wasting food.

Next Post....IRELAND!!
~Merely Mortal~

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