Ah yes, the long awaited post. I know some of you have been dying to read up. :)
So much has already happened...and I haven't really had time to write. Plus, whenever I do have free time...I've just been exhausted.
Bloody Jet Lag.
Now. Let's start at the very beginning (A very good place to start).
Sunday we arrived again at the airport to discover that the guy changed all of our flights to go through Detroit...except for mine which had been changed to go through Minneapolis...go figure, just my luck. "Luckily", they were able to get that all sorted out so that I could still fly with the group. So after all of that flight delay/cancellations nonsense...we finally flew to Detroit. Then from Detroit to the London Heathrow airport.
The neato color changing tunnel at the Detroit airport |
Amy and Megan on the moving sidewalk |
I actually did most of my crosswords and Sudoku puzzles while waiting at the airports. Plus I knew that the Detroit to London flight would be just over 7 hours and we would arrive at 7 am in London...so sleep was the main priority for this flight if at all possible (which proved to "not" be very possible). Shortly after we were in the air they fed us, which was surprisingly delicious! I even got tea with cream and sugar. :) We had small personal TV touch screens on the backs of the seats in front of us, and the movies were complementary with the flight. However, I wanted to try to sleep, so I didn't end up watching anything...also, I had the whole center row of seats to myself. :) Sleeping though, even after taking a sleeping pill, not so good. meh. Luckily they gave us breakfast...a nice banana and granola bar...towards the end of the flight to give us more energy.
yummy Airline pasta dinner |
So after waiting half an hour when we landed at Heathrow, we got through customs...which wasn't scary at all despite what some might say. Just showed them my passport and travel card, answered a couple questions and I was in!
Taking the tube (underground train station) for the first time was an adventure. I would NOT recommend taking the tube during a business travel day when you have two suitcases to lug around and up stairs. We changed and got off at the right stations...the only part was how crowded it got as more people got on station after station. I felt bad because I took up so much room with my suitcases. We felt so "American." People here never dress down. Seriously, I've only seen one person wearing sweatpants since I've been here. They all dress like models or something...fashion hub! Also...boots boots boots for the ladies. They always look so classy...lol...we probably looked homeless to them. I realize now why boots are so popular though...keeps the bottoms of your pants dry as rainy as it is here. I haven't yet seen the sun. :( It's always so cloudy. But hey, I'd much rather have 40 degree rainy weather than be freezing at home.
"Mind the Gap" :) translation: watch your step. This is written all over the platforms and they say it on the speaker while you're taking the train every time the door is about to open or close. Very frequent.
Lugging our suitcases up the stairs after exiting the station was definitely not fun. My arms are still a little sore. We quickly discovered that navigating the streets in London is much more difficult than back home.
Forget square blocks.
Diagonal streets criss-crossing every which way and one-ways scattered about. I'm so glad I don't have to drive! We find ourselves constantly looking the wrong direction when crossing the street too, since they drive on the "correct side of the road" (as Mark, our London directer calls it, lol).
We eventually found the Vandon House, got the keys to our room to put our suitcases, and immediately were thrown into orientation mode...since we got there a day later than everyone. We only ended up missing the first hour of orientation, but believe me...as much as the information overload was important, I would have rather been resting.
Information overload is not an exaggeration. Unfortunately I was half dead at that point and don't remember most of it. After lunch we went on a three hour walking tour around London. That woke me up a little bit. It was so beautiful. But I was tired and I don't remember where half the things were.
The London Tower |
Tower Bridge ("A" London bridge...not "The London Bridge.") |
This was exciting to me! This is where Henry Higgins meets Eliza Doolittle in the beginning scenes of My Fair Lady! I LOVE that movie!! |
ah, the National Art Gallery. I hope to visit it sometime soon |
my first glimpse of Big Ben |
St. James Park has lots of birds and wildlife...including these insane gray squirrels. They are not afraid to jump on you or climb up your legs in any attempt to get food. |
After returning to the Vandon House I met my roommate Mary (who is very nice...for those of you who were worried *wink wink*), unpacked my suitcase, and only managed to keep myself up until 8:00 before crashing.
the view from my room at night. There's a nice construction site right outside that is very noisy when it's light out. It'll be interesting to see how far they get on this project by the time we leave. |
My bed is the one closest to the door. |
we get our own bathroom with tiny shower! |
honestly, I don't like the sinks. Two faucets for hot and cold are so annoying. You're either scorched or froze. Luckily the shower isn't like that. lol |
I didn't sleep the greatest Monday night even though I went to bed at 8. I woke up at 11 and every hour after that it seems. Around 3 am I finally fell asleep for good and by 7 I was still super tired to get up and take a shower. Mmm...that tiny shower with water that smells like eggs. Fantastic. haha, we're so spoiled in America.
Tuesday morning we had a meeting all about Multiculturalism....which was basically no different from my Human Relations class I just took this past semester. meh...I didn't really learn anything new. It was just about how we need to be open to new things and realize where our assumptions come from as Americans...what is normal to think and what we should be cautious about....too long of a meeting over something that should be obvious if you ask me.
After the meeting I desperately needed food, a phone, and outlet adapter to charge my computer. So I went out into the great London all by myself!
AH! yes, by myself!
lol, it was fine but I was so worried about getting lost. I found myself holding tight to my bag (pickpockets you know) and trying not to look anyone in the eye. Apparently no one looks at each other when they walk...no one smiles and says hello to each other like we do in the States. Stranger Danger or something. Also, I don't see too many people on their phones all the time or texting as they walk.
It's so crazy being in the heart of London. There are shops, people, and cars everywhere you look. It's very overwhelming...you don't know where to go first and where to get the best deals. I'm most definitely a country girl, lol. I kind of just went into the first legit stores I saw and bought my stuff. My phone is a cheapo bit of rubbish...but it works and that's all I need. lol.
Let me tell ya...I miss WalMart....everything in one big store (with wide aisles) instead of having to hunt down individual shops for various items.
I had an academic advising meeting to talk about what classes I have and my internship. I guess my internship is in the suburbs of London and is based out of the owners home? idk, maybe I heard Beth wrong. The owner of Hatch Creations, my graphic design internship, has two younger children...so I'll get a deeper look into the family life of London than some of the others in the program. :) I can't wait!! Plus, I love kids!
Later that night I went on a group search for a grocery store (the continental breakfast is the only meal they provide for us, the rest is on our own unfortunately. My cooking skills will be much improved by the time I come home). It took us awhile to find a good one. Sainsburys. We got fairly close to Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, and the London Eye on our quest.
Westminster Abbey. They have church services at five on weeknights. I really want to go to one to see what it's like! |
The grocery store is an adventure in itself! Narrow aisles, lots of people, new food brands, not knowing where to look for anything. A lot of the food is organic...no preservatives...so it expires fast. The eggs are even just out sitting on shelves! Odd. This means you can only buy small amounts at a time....and also why there were only baskets and no shopping carts and the checkout lanes are more like the 20 items lanes at WalMart.
and compact
just like everything in London....putting every inch of space to use.
That's something I've been amazed by, how they pack so much into such small areas.
and the old brick buildings...they're beautiful. :)
I slept much better last night and today I didn't have any meetings, so it was just a relaxing free day. I spent a lot of it just reading through the program information and what not...figuring things out. Then Megan Strait and I went "park hopping" haha! It probably wasn't a good time to be doing that, but oh well. It was drizzly and cold. My hands and ears were numb by the time we returned. But let me tell you...this rain coat is really coming in handy!!!
The entrance to St. James Park is close by and links to Green and Hyde parks. I have no idea how many miles we walked...but my legs are a little sore. The parks are beautiful! I felt like I was in a Jane Austen book on one of my "daily walks." haha! St. James has a pond with lots of ducks, birds, and geese...many not native to England...that you can feed.
"Feed the birds...tupence a bag." lol, in my head most of the walk
Green park looked more traditional, not too many flowers...just a lot of green.
And Hyde park was probably my favorite....gardens galore! I can't wait till Spring time when it blooms!! lovely lovely.
so much green. mmm :) |
Buckingham Palace! |
We also discovered Buckingham Palace on our walk! I had no idea it was right next to Hyde park! So that was neat. I'm sure the parks will be places I frequent whenever I need to get away from all the hustle and bustle...or just to read a book. :) lol, simple delights. I'm more of a park person than a pub person. I haven't been to a pub yet, in fact (they're all over the place and most everyone from the program has gone at least once)...not really my thing. I'm sure I'll probably go eventually though, more for the social atmosphere.
So yes, that was today's adventure...a two hour stroll through some parks. The bottoms of my pants (ahem...sorry..."trousers". In England "pants" mean "underwear") were soaked by the end of the walk...I really need to invest in some boots! :)
Plus, it was really nice to finally have a long one on one chat with someone. I've been missing that. :)
As far as British accents...I find myself thinking with one sometimes. I almost asked a question with a bit of an accent the other day on accident, I hope the worker at the store didn't think I was mocking him. oops
Anyways...it is now bedtime.